
Run any NPM script of a project in the project's root directory.

Options can be configured in project.json when defining the executor, or when invoking it. Read more about how to configure targets and executors here: https://nx.dev/configuration/projectjson#targets.


1"frontend": {
2    "root": "packages/frontend",
3    "targets": {
4        "build": {
5            "executor": "@nrwl/workspace:run-script",
6            "options": {
7                "script": "build-my-project"
8            }
9        }
10    }
nx run frontend:build

The build target is going to run npm run build-my-project (or yarn build-my-project) in the packages/frontend directory.

Caching Artifacts

By default, Nx is going to cache dist/packages/frontend, packages/frontend/dist, packages/frontend/build, packages/frontend/public. If your npm script writes files to other places, you can override the list of cached outputs as follows:

1"frontend": {
2    "root": "packages/frontend",
3    "targets": {
4        "build": {
5            "executor": "@nrwl/workspace:run-script",
6            "outputs": ["packages/frontend/dist", "packaged/frontend/docs"],
7            "options": {
8                "script": "build-my-project"
9            }
10        }
11    }




An npm script name in the package.json file of the project (e.g., build).

Additional Properties


Extra properties of any type may be provided to this object.

Options playground

This is an example of what the properties looks like and their values. Go ahead and try, test your configuration this is a live-edit window, you can interact directly and get intellisense on property's values.
